18 November, 2011

iPad - is it tough enough ?

Gadget sadists at G-Form, who make rather unattractive but undeniably tough cases for iPads, threw the tablet computer out of a plane from 1,300 feet, and it not only survived, the film on screen was still playing.
Previously, the company had thrown an iPad from 500 feet, and dropped a bowling ball on one, but the current test, choreographed using altimeters, is wince-inducing to watch, the Daily Mail reported.
G-Form cases are far thicker than ordinary iPad cases, and made from hi-tech materials that deform on impact.
The outsides of the cases are shrouded in military ballistic material and zipped up, and they are built are built to withstand falls straight down onto the glass face.
Earlier G-Form demonstration videos have shown them withstanding sharp blows from kung fu masters as well as high-speed impacts. 

Verdict : - If it can survive 400 meter fall then it is definitely tough enough!

Source TOI

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